I like it
I like it
I like it
I like it
thank you friend
Random is good
Dark likes Random
Make Moar.
well wtf are you gonna do about it?
Too late now the votes are in.
I personally, am very happy that Obama has won.
It was awesome!
The only thing missing was the Imma firin ma lazor sound effect that would have made it way better.
The sound didn't even exist at the time when this movie was created.
the last part ruined it.
That's what I said to your mom last night. : /
Short but still great, definently going in my faves.
Thanks! Sounds like it would, "GOTHtheDEATHBRINGER" :P
Oh shit dude I'm stupid!
LMAO I actually thought for a seconds that this flash was actually made about a message I sent...Then I realised that I'm not an asshole or a tard..well not an asshole haha nice one lol.
Haha, thanks for enjoying it ;D
I don't remember john mccain being that hot.....I thought he was supposed to be old and grey?
it's the 21'st generation homie.
idk dude
seemed kind of gay...
Gay? Well... um... yes. That was a big part of it. It was Shounen-Ai/Boy Love.
Hence "Don't like BL? Don't Click!"
I don't get why someone's eyes would be bleeding..
The music wasn't my style but it was a well animated flash I didn't see anything that would attract the flamers...Yuck...Flamers, You have the link for the flash on Deviantart? I have an account on there too =).
yeah, i put the link in the description (here it is again) http://dei--dara.deviantart.com/art/C ard-Captor-Jackle-98800013
Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Age 33, Male
Town Drunk
Joined on 1/28/05